We will keep your voice available for you to download when it is needed. If there are any improvements in our technology between now and when your voice is needed, we may be able to give you an improved version at that time. However, we recommend that you download the current version of your voice and test it on a device at home. That way you can be sure that we have correctly set up the parameters per your audition, and that will also give you an opportunity to test it more. If your speech is still strong, this will be your best opportunity to discover issues that might be corrected if more recording is the only remedy. Whether you decide to download the current version of your voice or not, we do ask that you pay for your voice once it is built, if you have not arranged for a support organization to pay for the cost. That way we can continue to offer this service as inexpensively as possible. A direct link to the payment invoice for your voice is https://www.modeltalker.org/pay-for-voice/.

Do I need to download my voice if I’m not ready to use it?